Monday, October 31, 2011

Life and Death

Recently I've been thinking about why people believe and what is harder for me than somebody who has a god to lean on. I've decided that I have rough times in thinking about where I will go (obviously, since I state that I don't know) and that effects my view on death. I'm scared of death. Not because I fear what will happen to me, but because I fear that could be the end of my interaction with my loved ones. I nearly cried last night thinking about it. A Christian need not fear, for they will see them in the next life if they are good. I may not. I used to always view death as another journey that I will meet head on. I still will, don't get me wrong, but it will be harder now that I've realized this. I'm scared of separation from my loved ones and not death, if you want to get technical. But death is something that can potentially sever all of my ties to them.

With this, I think that's why very few people have actually seen me wear a sad face. If I'm around someone - anyone, I am probably smiling or perhaps angry (with the idea of progressing life onward in a good direction. Anger is but a tool to me). Never sad... Some people have asked me if I'm ever sad. I usually don't say much. Now I know that I'll respond with the simple word "often".

I share my love with all who dare to show me similar. Similar is used loosely. I'll be kind and accept you the majority of the time. If you act like a jackass or just do things I consider stupid, I'll tell you  so. If you admit that you were either of those things, I'll still accept you. If you don't, we're going to collide a lot, because there's nothing I like to do more than to try and smack out ignorance and stupidity. Of course I don't hold these things up all of the time, but I like to believe that I do most of the time.

I can't stand people who are angry or sad all of the time. I usually tell them a motto that I live by: "Happiness is a force of will". With the right amount of willpower, you can be happy through anything.

How do you live? Do you share your love?

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